Ready or Not
Last night I attended a performance of the play Ready or Not written by John Enright and produced by Barely Concealed Productions at the Dream Theatre. It is an entertaining romantic comedy with suspense, humor and love interests. It is filled with sufficient twists and turns to keep surprising you until the very end. The story begins with the return of Eddie Brennan, after a year in a Mexican jail, to his home and wife, Susan. Tom McGrath and Danielle Gennaoui were both excellent in the roles of Eddie and Susan.
It is when Eddie finds out that Susan is planning to leave him for his co-worker Kyle McCormak the plot begins to unfold and the suspense builds right up to the end keeping the audience in suspense as to the outcome. The arrival of Norma Vasquez, a Mexican friend and colleague of Eddie, adds to the interpersonal complexities as they develop on the stage.
I found the performances of both Tamika Morales as Norma and Jeremy Menekseoglu as Kyle were particularly effective and convincing. Under Jeremy's direction the play moved at a perfect pace that kept me enthralled throughout the evening. I enjoyed the word play and the attention to detail that was evident in the production. This is an intelligent play that treats serious issues with a light touch (I must give credit to my friend Joe Plauche for that last thought). As a regular theater attendee I both appreciate and enjoy a play when it makes me think. This play did and it made for a great evening of theater for me and one I would recommend to all.
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