Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday Commonplace Entry

On Monday morning, this weeks entry comes from Alone by Richard E. Byrd

Nothing whatever, except one man's desire to know that kind of experience to the full, to be by himself for a while and to taste peace and quiet and solitude long enough to find out how good they really are.

It was all that simple.  And it is something, I believe, that people beset by the complexities of modern life will understand instinctively.  We are caught up in the winds that blow every which way.  And in the hullabaloo the thinking man is driven to ponder where he is being blown and to long desperately for some quiet place where he can reason undisturbed and take inventory.  It may be that I exaggerate the need for occasional sanctuary, but I do not think so -- at least speaking for myself, since it has always taken me longer than the average person to think things out. (pp. 1-2)

Alone by Richard E. Byrd. The Adventure Library, 1996 (1938).

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