Of Farming and Classics: A Memoir
by David Grene
"I am quite sure that from my early days -- say eight or nine -- the strongest sense of pleasure I enjoyed was in watching or tending animals and in trying to interchange the content of books into real facts of my own life." (p 1)
I was fortunate to have experienced the lectures of this great teacher and classicist. I first encountered his translations of ancient Greek dramas when I was in college. He had already been teaching at the University of Chicago since before I was born. This memoir is a personal account of his life with an emphasis on education, but farming as well. I was taught, or at least led in classes at the Basic Program of Liberal Education of The University of Chicago, by instructors who were taught by David Grene and his spirit lives on in their work and teaching. This memoir demonstrates that genial spirit of love of life and learning. A spirit that David Grene exuded with every word and breath in his lectures and classes and life.
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