With all your reading get more reading, understanding will follow. The connections made through the "book blogger hop" provide a new dimension in my reading life, so I participate and welcome those who share my love for reading and, perhaps, some of the books that I read and enjoy. More than ever I find that I am rereading books; currently The Brothers Karamazov, The Odyssey, Time Regained - the final volume of In Search of Lost Time, and Brideshead Revisited. That doesn't prevent me from reading books, new to me in the sense that I have not read them previously, including; Recapitulation by Wallace Stegner, Cakes and Ale by Maugham, and Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett. There is room for more books and reading the delightful literary blogs of others helps my not so limited imagination expand with wonder at the treasure trove available. Now, back to reading.
Glad to have found you via the Hop. Looks like we read very different kinds of books, but I'm always looking for recommendations - new, old, classic, modern, you name it! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for your kind remarks. I visited your blog and once I saw your review of Life With Father I had to sign on as a follower. I have a older edition on my bookshelf that my Mother got when the novel was first published.
Good morning!
As I grow older I am finding that I have to look outside the Genre that I used to read to find books that make me think.
The Brothers Karamazov looks like one that I could sink my teeth into.
Stopping by from the Hop.
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Like you I try to maintain some variety in my reading, although I prefer the 'classics'. Dostoevsky manages, like Dickens or Shakespeare, to encompass all of humanity by creating memorable characters. In Brothers Karamazov he does this by confronting serious ideas within the structure of a murder mystery.
Happy Reading,
New follower here...
See, I am looking for the blogs that address a more 'adult' reading taste... mostly the ones I follow now are YA oriented, and I see a lot of the same thing over and over and have no idea what current trends are in the Adult literature world!
Check out my Blog Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!
Thanks for your comment. However, I feel that I am like you in that I have no idea what current trends are in the 'Adult literature world'. My own reading is somewhat eclectic due to my participation in a variety of reading groups and classes. I enjoy reading authors as diverse as Meg Rosoff (ya?), Homer, Proust, Dickens, Philip K. Dick and Peter Carey, to name a few that have written novels that move me. There is great reading available in many aisles of the library or used bookstore.
Stopping back for a visit....hope you are having fun on the blog hop this weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
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