Book Blogger Hop
Just when I did not expect it I encountered the Book Blogger Hop at Crazy-for-Books.com. I find that browsing book blogs is an on-line variant of browsing in bookstores and the idea of visiting new book blogs is an attractive idea and, with almost three hundred bloggers participating, apparently many others do as well. During the short time I have been maintaining my blog I have accumulated links to other literary sites that I find appealing. The Hop is a weekly opportunity to find more fascinating readers who like to blog about their reading experience. Perhaps some others in the blogosphere will find my musings of interest. As part of the Book Blogger Hop there is a weekly question.
This week's question comes from: Sarah @ SarahReadsTooMuch
Do you judge a book by its cover?
In choosing a book to read I use many factors to make my decision. Often I find new books from my current reading. Many of the books I read are filled with literary references and I love to just read books about books (eg. Michael Dirda). However, when I am browsing in bookstores I do find that a book's cover is a factor in gaining my attention, if not my interest. Do I then judge the book by its cover? Perhaps in part, but only in the sense that the cover is one factor in the whole experience of a book which goes into any judging in which I might engage. The act of judging a book is something I need to contemplate further, for the notion intrigues me and I'm sure there is more to it than any single aspect, such as a cover, may convey.
Love your blog.
Just hopping by.
Stop by my blog if you like.
hi, found you through the hop! Added you to my reader, can't wait to explore your site some more.
and I too am guilty of judging books by their covers, especially when browsing to purchase on a lark.
I appear frothy on the surface of my blog, but, trust me, there is substance.
I'm a new follower!
Stop by, if you get a chance.
Found you through the hop, now following!
Thanks for visiting.
Forgot to say that your name is VERY clever.
Thanks for the comment. I'm a big fan of Emily Dickinson.
Visiting from the HOP! I like the Proust quote!
I hope you will have a chance to visit one or both of my blogs: LibrarysCat and Never Forget !!
Have a great weekend!
How nice of you to visit. I just finished feeding my neighbor's cats so I appreciate your moniker.
Love your blog, love the name. Stopped by on the blog hop. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Thanks for visiting. I will return the favor.
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