The Last Policeman

“tune out the terror and the dread, in a world where the idea of long-term consequences had magically disappeared.” ― Ben H. Winters, The Last Policeman
Sometimes a book spans genres. This is one example where what is primarily a mystery, and an award-winning one, is also a science fiction tale. The setting is in New Hampshire about six months before a large asteroid will collide with the earth. The expectation is that human civilization will be wiped out. Given this background the narrative is told in the first person by rookie Detective Henry (Hank) Palace.
Hank is presented with a case that looks like a suicide, and suicides have begun to occur with some regularity in response to the imminent demise of civilization. But Hank has his doubts and these doubts fuel his determined search for evidence that the subject, and insurance actuary named Peter Zell, was not a suicide but rather the victim of murder. The District Attorney is skeptical but Hank is given a green light to pursue the case wherever is leads. The narrative is fueled by people motivated by the impending disaster, including Hank's sister in a sub-plot, and enough potential suspects to maintain the readers interest. It doesn't hurt that Hank is a reasonable and friendly guy who the reader, this one at least, develops a liking for.
The mystery is well-drawn with plenty of unexpected moments that lead Hank in different directions until his determination leads him to a final answer to his quest. The author's version of a pre-apocalyptic world, one where laws are both absolute and irrelevant, is believable. In it even minor players have major control over what could be a new future. The imminent end of the world doesn’t mean that everyone has shown their hands—just that there’s a lot more at stake if they lose. The result is a satisfying mystery with the added plus (for those like myself) of a science fiction context.
This is on my 'interest' list so thanks for the review. Sounds like a very interesting idea and a nice twist on the 'end of the world' scenario.
This sounds like such a fascinating plot. If such a cataclysmic event were coming, how people world react, how laws would be enforced, etc. seems like the stuff of a great story. This also sounds like it might make a decent film.
Thanks for your observation. The author has written two sequels for a trilogy. I have yet to read the other two volumes to see how the people of Earth handle the actual collision.
Thanks for your comment. It was an uncommon blend of mystery and SF. Mostly mystery/detective story but the end of the world aspect heightened the tension.
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