and Famous Poems Illustrated
by James Thurber
"Moral: It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers."
from "The Scotty Who Knew Too Much" - James Thurber
I was originally introduced to the writing of James Thurber when I found The Thurber Carnival collection in our library at home. This was when I was old enough to read but long enough ago that I do not remember the exact date. At a later point in my education I read some of the more famous fables in High School English class.

The poems are such that you might want to memorize like Longfellow's "Excelsior" and "Oh When I was . . ." by A. E. Housman from his collection "A Shropshire Lad". This small gem of a book is a delight to read and reread from time to time to lighten your day.
I have never read Thurber but I like tales of this sort.
I like the fact that this also includes poetry.
I hope you try some Thurber. The Thurber Carnival is a classic collection of his fables, essays, and drawings. He is one of America's best humorists.
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