Every Tuesday Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where participants share the first paragraph (or a few) of a book they are reading or thinking about reading soon.
"You're silly," she said. "Ethan, you've got your comical genius."
"Oh say, Miss Mousie, will you marry me?"
"Did you wake up silly?"
"The year's at the day. The day's at the morn."
"I guess you did.""
The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck. The Viking Press, 1961.
Hi James thanks for joining us this week. I like the intro and would read anything Steinbeck. (I'm about due for this one) enjoy
I have not read this one by Steinbeck yet. This opening does seem exactly how I would expect from Steinbeck. There is something about his dialog that is unique. There is a sense of banter with an underlying seriousness underneath.
This looks to be a little different than his most popular novels.
Thanks for hosting the Tuesday Intros.
Yes, I had a similar feeling and as I make my way into the novel it has definite differences from other Steinbeck I've read.
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