by Lee Child
"Sorenson thought hard for thirty seconds and then got back on her phone and called up two final Hail Mary roadblocks on the Interstate, both to be in place in less than one hour's time, the first in the west , a quarter of the way back to Denver plus eighty miles, and the second in the east, well into Iowa plus eighty miles. Both were to be on the lookout for two men, unspecified age, average appearance, no distinguishing marks, possible bloodstained clothing, possible possession of a bladed weapon showing signs of recent use."
About a third of the way into this thriller FBI Special Agent Julia Sorenson is speeding through Iowa at about one hundred miles per hour. If anything the pace of this story, from page one, is even faster that Sorenson's speed as she chases after Jack Reacher, the protagonist of this breathtakingly exciting novel from the pen of Lee Child.
The suspense is palpable as well, for Reacher has hitched a ride with two men who have already killed another and have a female partner (?) in the rear seat of their sedan. The plot unfolds quickly but methodically, with the reader sharing the thoughts of Reacher as he slowly deduces the reality below the surface appearance of his situation as rider and the events that unfold to reveal the truth that will demand all of his skills as a twenty-first century paladin.
The story is successful on many levels with plot and suspense being the most important. The character of Julia Sorenson was especially well-drawn adding to the complexity of the story while taking some of the pressure off of Jack Reacher, not that he could not handle it. The result is a great read for those who like their thrillers fast-paced, suspenseful, and filled with unexpected plot twists.
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