Monday, March 08, 2021

Schubert on Mozart


On June 13, 1816 the 19-year-old Franz Schubert wrote in his diary,

    This day will haunt me for the rest of my life as a bright, clear, and lovely one. Gently, and as from a distance, the magic tones of Mozart’s music sound in my ears. With what alternate force and tenderness, with what masterly power did Schlesinger’s playing of that music impress it deep, deep in my heart! Thus do these sweet impressions, passing into our souls, work beneficently on our inmost being, and no time, do change of circumstances, can obliterate them. In the darkness of this life, they show a light, a clear, beautiful distance, from which we gather confidence and hope. Mozart! immortal Mozart! how many and what countless images of a brighter, better world hast thou stamped on our souls!


mudpuddle said...

in the salad days when i was still playing, listening to Mozart was like turning on a light bulb...

Brian Joseph said...

Interesting quotation.

Its always fascinates me when one artist talks about another.

I have listened to a fair amount of Mozart in my life. I should listen to more Schubert.

James said...

Thanks for your observation - my reaction to both is delight.

I share your fascination - in this case also amazement at the youthful Schubert's musical wisdom and wonder.