Monday, December 23, 2024

Top Ten Books Read in 2024

 Annual Top Ten Favorites

Since January 1, 2024, these books have been my favorite reads.  They span a wide range of reading genres, from non-fiction to fiction, from lengthy to short works, and from the Classics to modern literary fiction.

The list is in no particular order, but if I had to pick my favorite of the year it would be Doctor Faustus.

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride 


Ice by Anna Kavan 

My Antonia by Willa Cather 

The Ethics by Baruch Spinoza 

Doctor Faustus
by  Thomas Mann 

The Rest is Noise by Alex Ross 

The House of Doors by TanTwan Eng 

The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon


 Blackouts by Justin Torres


Marian H said...

I read Ice this year as well! Oh it was brutal, but so memorable. I don't know if I'd read it again but it will stick with me forever.

I also picked up The Gift of Rain of Tan Twan Eng, but have not finished it. How do you find his writing?

Stephen said...

Have you read Klaus Mann's Mephisto? That and Faustus would make for an interesting comparison...

James said...

Although I thought his first book, The Garden of Evening Mists, was even better, I still thought his prose was lovely at times, especially at the book's conclusion.

James said...

I read Mephisto back in the late 90s before I started blogging. I'm planning to reread it later this year.